Index/Preface | Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V

Chapter IV: Disk File Formats

This chapter will give you the formats for all important files on your system. The maps will include the name of each file, the information stored in each record, and the associated system variables.

1. u.config (user statistics)  REL  254 bytes per record

Field Variable Description
1 NA$ Handle
2 PW$ Password
3 FF$ First name
4 LL$ Last name
5 PH$ Phone number
6 LD$ Last call date
(for new messages)
7 AC% Access level
8 CT% Calls today
9 TC% Total calls
10 CO% Computer type
(CO$(CO%) to see text)
11 LL% Line length
12 UL
Upper/lowercase flag*
13 LL Linefeed flag (1=on)
14 EM Expert mode flag (1=on)
15 DC Total files downloaded
16 UC Total files uploaded
17 BD Total blocks downloaded
18 BU Total blocks uploaded
19 CR Credit points
20 PS Total posts
21 RP Total responses
22 D5$ True last call date
23 FL$ User flags
24 JN$ Joined/unjoined flags
* Note that the UL flag is used for the default transfer protocol if your system uses the TurboRel Subs.

2. (system data)  REL  40 bytes per record

Record # Variable Description
1 CA Total calls to the system
2 AG$ Access group name (AG$) for group 0*
3 Access group 1 (see record #2)
4 Access group 2 (see record #2)
5 Access group 3 (see record #2)
6 Access group 4 (see record #2)
7 Access group 5 (see record #2)
8 Access group 6 (see record #2)
9 Access group 7 (see record #2)
10 Access group 8 (see record #2)
11 Access group 9 (see record #2)
12 UR Highest user account minus one
13 OC$ 30 character string of 0's and 1's for SB
14 Same as record 13 for UD
15 Same as record 13 for UX
16 UH Number of active user accounts
17 D3$ Last caller on system
18 PP$ System remote password
19 D6$ Time of last user logoff (11 digits)
20 PT%, P2%, P3% Time allowed during prime time (P1%), prime time start (P2%), prime time end (P3%)
21 FL$(0) Default flags for access group 0.
22 FL$(1) Default flags for access group 1.
23 FL$(2) Default flags for access group 2.
24 FL$(3) Default flags for access group 3.
25 FL$(4) Default flags for access group 4.
26 FL$(5) Default flags for access group 5.
27 FL$(6) Default flags for access group 6.
28 FL$(7) Default flags for access group 7.
29 FL$(8) Default flags for access group 8.
30 FL$(9) Default flags for access group 9.
31 L1 Next available user account
32 AT$ Modem command string
* Note that in records 2-10, the access group name is preceded by 4 control codes which designate:
  • time per call (0=unlimited)
  • calls per day (0=unlimited)
  • downloads per call (0=unlimited)
  • maximum idle time (1-9 minutes)
These control characters may be seen using the +.access editor.

3. e.stats (system stats)  (REL)  20 bytes per record

  Last     Log   Current  Total
Feedback 1 12 23 30
Sysop Mail 2 13 24 31
User Mail 3 14 25 32
Posts 4 15 26 33
Responses 5 16 27 34
Uploads 6 17 28 35
Downloads 7 18 36
New Users 8 19 29
Calls 9 20
% Used 10 21
% Idle 11 22
Record 37: Total minutes system used overall
Record 38: Total minutes system idle overall

4.  (SEQ) is a SEQ file which your system reads once during boot. If any changes are made to this file, you must reboot your system to activate them.

Line Variable Description
1 System disk device
2 System disk drive
3 E-Mail disk device
4 E-Mail disk drive
5 Etcetera disk device
6 Etcetera disk drive
7 Directory disk device
8 Directory disk drive
10 Plus file device
11 Plus file drive
12 User file device
13 User file drive
14 CC$ System identifier
15 New user credits
16 Highest device number
17 Highest drive number
18 BN$ BBS name
19 PO$ Main prompt

5. U/D directory file format  (SEQ)

Line Variable Description
1 RN Number of files in directory (60 max)
2 F%(X) File size in CBM blocks
3 NN$(X) User ID number padded with 0's, plus handle
4 DT$(X) Upload date plus last download date plus filename, type
5 ED$(X) Description of file
6 C%(X) Times downloaded
7 D%(X) Computer type 0-9 (0=any)

Lines 2-7 are repeated throughout the file, once for each file in the directory. The number of times is determined by the first file entry (RN).

6.  SB directory format  (SEQ/REL)

Position Variable Description
1 RN Number of posts in directory (60 max)
2 Title of original message
3 ID# (or net ID#) of poster, plus handle
4 Date of message, plus date of last response
5 Total number of responses

Lines 2-5 are repeated throughout the file, once for each file in the directory. The number of times is determined by the first file entry (RN).

7. e.Sub, e.U/D, e.U/X file formats  (REL)

Record 1
Total number of subs, libraries defined

Records 2-901
Field Variable Description
1 Password for password-protected board
2 AC%(X) Access code
3 BN$(X) Board name

5 Device
6 Drive
7 Open/close flag

8. E-mail format (m.<handle>)  SEQ

Line Description
1 Handle of sending user
2 ID of sending user
3 Date sent
4 [ title ]
text of message
n+1 ^ at end of message

[Lines 1-n+1 are repeated throughout the file, once for each message in the user's mailbox.]

Index/Preface | Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V